Week 24: Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’ (and everything you need to know about it)

It’s easy to feel concerned about milestones (especially during the first year) and natural to compare, but here’s a parent-to-parent reminder: your baby’s development path is unique. Development happens in ranges that can span weeks, even months.

Your baby might be really into rolling as a way to get around or they might just roll occasionally. There is no study that shows a correlation between being an avid early roller and being a great athlete later in life, so don’t stress if your baby is still figuring out how to roll 😉.

Your baby will likely roll from belly to back much sooner than rolling from back to belly. Here are the average ranges for when babies start rolling:

  • Back to side: babies typically roll from back to side between 4 and 5.5 months
  • Belly to back: babies typically roll from belly to back between 4 and 5 months
  • Back to belly: babies typically roll from back to belly between 5.5 and 7.5 months

A loving reminder: keep an eye on your baby, especially on the changing table, bed, or anywhere else there is a risk of falling. Babies as young as a few weeks old have been known to spontaneously roll over and fall off of a high surface.

If your baby is working on rolling from back to side

Baby laying under The Play Gym looking at the Batting Ring

Encourage your baby to practice kicking by putting them on their back with their legs and feet near the Making Sounds Zone of The Play Gym. You can find more kick play ideas here. Kicking strengthens your baby’s core and neck muscles and gets them ready to roll.

If your baby is working on rolling from belly to back

Baby doing tummy time while laying on The Play Gym by Lovevery

Plenty of tummy time will help your baby build muscles for rolling over; eventually, when on their tummy, they will kick their legs over and roll to their back. You will know your baby is getting ready to roll over when they use their hands to reach for objects in front of them while on their tummy, and when they can push up on their hands, straightening their arms to get higher.

Baby isn’t into tummy time? About half of Lovevery parents are with you 🙃 Here are some ways you can keep your baby happier during tummy time.

If your baby is working on rolling from back to belly

After you notice your baby tucking their chin and pulling their legs in towards their body when they are on their back, encourage them to roll from back to belly by holding a ball or toy in their line of vision. When you move the toy to the side, they will have to roll over to see it.

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Posted in: 5 - 6 Months, Crawling, Gross Motor, Child Development

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