Week 38: Puffs develop your baby’s fine motor skills

The pincer grasp—where your baby uses their thumb and fingers to pick up small objects—usually develops around this age.

Finding safe objects for your baby to practice their new skill can be challenging. Puff snacks are designed to melt in your baby’s mouth, so they don’t present a choking hazard as long as your baby is able to get them into their mouth on their own.

Place a few puffs onto their tray during meal time. Your baby will rake, grab, and eventually pinch the puffs between their thumb and forefinger, bringing the puffs to their mouth. If they can’t get the puffs into their mouth on their own, resist the temptation to do it for them. The purpose of self-feeding at this stage is to develop fine motor skills and learn about the different textures and tastes of food. Breast milk or formula should still be your baby’s primary source of nutrition.

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Posted in: 9 - 10 Months, Eating and Drinking, Fine Motor, Playtime & Activities, Real World Play, Sensory Play, Child Development

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